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Fun Fact Friday


Grass can be a good carbon sink if managed well. We have all learned in school that trees take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. They then store the carbon that's left into their leaves and wood, effectively sequestering atmospheric carbon. Grass works in much the same way except it stores most of it's carbon underground, helping to build soil organic matter. Grass is only effective at storing carbon though when it is well managed and not overgrazed. Wild herds and their predators used to do just that. Because of predators, wild herds (such as bison) kept close together for protection but had to keep moving to find new forage to eat. That prevented them from overgrazing in any one area and allowed grass time to regrow. Of course while grazing the animals also fertilized the ground with their manure and urine, helping the grass to grow better, and sequestering even more carbon. On our farm we aim to mimic natures template by using portable electric fencing to keep our cows close together, and then moving them daily to a new paddock . As long as we size our paddocks correctly for the number of cows we have and how much grass is growing we prevent overgrazing, allow the grass plenty of regrowth time and store more carbon! Oh what fun to think that we can actually produce beef which is environmentally enhancing, not degrading!

P.S. The picture shows a part of our pasture in which we jump started the soil carbon

sequestration process by spreading composted manure from our winter feeding pen. It really makes the grass grow well and the cows love it!

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